About Us
Old Otterbein UMC is part of the Baltimore-Washington Conference of The United Methodist Church. You can visit these larger bodies to learn more about what we believe as Methodists. We are Reconciling, which means we fully welcome the LGBTQIA+ community in life, worship, and leadership, in stark contrast to our denomination.
We are an active congregation that values diversity in all forms.
By the numbers:
50% under age 40
But we are more than numbers. We are about people. We value fellowship and have an opportunity weekly to sit and chat and speak into one another's lives. You'll find some people stay for 15 minutes and others for several hours.
We value mission and outreach. Each year we partner with 4 different mission organizations for education and funding to reach those in need in our backyard and across the world. Past organizations supported have included McVets (Homeless Veteran Services), Maryland Food Bank (food insecurity), Board of Childcare (social services for children), Reconciling Ministries Network/RMN (LGBTQIA+ concerns), Chaltu Gifawesen Foundation/CGF (girls' education in Ethiopia), and many others. If you have a suggestion for a mission partner, please let us know.
Baptism is one way we welcome people into the Family of God. We practice baptism for all ages (infant, child, youth, adult), and offer baptism by sprinkling, pouring, or immersion (immersion not available until after age 5). You must be part of our community and have a conversation with the pastor before baptism can be administered. Baptism is a sacrament and as such, is only done once--whether you remember it or not. It is an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace. If you'd like to mark your faith journey with water, a Baptismal Remembrance can be arranged. All of these are done during the course of a regularly scheduled worship experience.
Communion is shared on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of month, as well as on Holy Thursday, Easter, and Christmas Eve. We provide pre-packaged gluten-free wafers with grape juice as well as a "common loaf" of bread with gluten (typically, Hawaiian bread, but the type will be shared for allergy information) and grape juice. If you have food allergies or needs, please advise the pastor so alternative arrangements can be made. Communion can be brought to those who do not wish to come forward, as well as to our homebound worshipers. If you are part of the online community and would like to receive communion, please contact the pastor to arrange a way to do so (typically, mailing a pre-packaged, consecrated unit to you as an extension of the Table we all share together). All ages are welcome to receive communion! If you do not wish to receive, you can ask for a blessing too.
We can tell you about ourselves, but the best way to learn is to experience what it means to be an "Otterbeiner" yourself. Visit for a day or stay for a lifetime. You are always welcome. Explore this site and come visit us! You are always welcome.
Check out the slide show below to learn more about our community. The captions tell you what is going on in each picture.
We are an active congregation that values diversity in all forms.
By the numbers:
50% under age 40
But we are more than numbers. We are about people. We value fellowship and have an opportunity weekly to sit and chat and speak into one another's lives. You'll find some people stay for 15 minutes and others for several hours.
We value mission and outreach. Each year we partner with 4 different mission organizations for education and funding to reach those in need in our backyard and across the world. Past organizations supported have included McVets (Homeless Veteran Services), Maryland Food Bank (food insecurity), Board of Childcare (social services for children), Reconciling Ministries Network/RMN (LGBTQIA+ concerns), Chaltu Gifawesen Foundation/CGF (girls' education in Ethiopia), and many others. If you have a suggestion for a mission partner, please let us know.
Baptism is one way we welcome people into the Family of God. We practice baptism for all ages (infant, child, youth, adult), and offer baptism by sprinkling, pouring, or immersion (immersion not available until after age 5). You must be part of our community and have a conversation with the pastor before baptism can be administered. Baptism is a sacrament and as such, is only done once--whether you remember it or not. It is an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace. If you'd like to mark your faith journey with water, a Baptismal Remembrance can be arranged. All of these are done during the course of a regularly scheduled worship experience.
Communion is shared on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of month, as well as on Holy Thursday, Easter, and Christmas Eve. We provide pre-packaged gluten-free wafers with grape juice as well as a "common loaf" of bread with gluten (typically, Hawaiian bread, but the type will be shared for allergy information) and grape juice. If you have food allergies or needs, please advise the pastor so alternative arrangements can be made. Communion can be brought to those who do not wish to come forward, as well as to our homebound worshipers. If you are part of the online community and would like to receive communion, please contact the pastor to arrange a way to do so (typically, mailing a pre-packaged, consecrated unit to you as an extension of the Table we all share together). All ages are welcome to receive communion! If you do not wish to receive, you can ask for a blessing too.
We can tell you about ourselves, but the best way to learn is to experience what it means to be an "Otterbeiner" yourself. Visit for a day or stay for a lifetime. You are always welcome. Explore this site and come visit us! You are always welcome.
Check out the slide show below to learn more about our community. The captions tell you what is going on in each picture.